Girlguiding Task and Finish Group

I spent this weekend in London at Girlguiding HQ where, along with 7 other volunteers, I helped to create a new resource for Peer Educators.

Peer Educators are Guiding members aged 14-25 who help to deliver sessions on topics that other leaders might not feel comfortable talking about, for example drugs, alcohol and healthy relationships.

The resource we were creating was on mental health and resilience, something which Girlguiding members said they would like to see.

I had such a fantastic time. I’ve not been involved in anything similar before, and don’t have any experience with Peer Education, so it was great to learn more about that, have a go at something new and meet more like minded people who are equally as enthusiastic about post-it notes! You can see just how much in this picture:

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I love Girlguiding and when I’m involved in something like this, something that is on a bigger scale than I am used to, I remember why I enjoy volunteering so much and why I carry on being involved, despite the difficulties it can bring. I even left feeling slightly inspired to become a Peer Educator myself! (Once I’m back from Spain of course.)

I also got myself 3 badges out of the weekend, which any Guider will admit is half of the reason we’re a part of Girlguiding.

Here are two of them:

HQ Print

The third is a limited edition one for the first 50 (I think!) people who buy something from the shop since its renovation. And that includes me, yay! But I don’t have a photo of that yet.

With the rest of my time in London I took typical touristy photos (a favourite pastime of mine) and had a quick visit to Buckingham Palace. I am now also becoming somewhat of an expert at understanding the tubes, even if I do say so myself.

Here are some final photos to sum up my weekend:

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I was staying on the 18th floor of a hotel so obviously I had amazing views! These are the best photos I could get through the window pane full of rain!

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Regarding the development of the resource, it has now been left with the staff members involved who will work with experts in mental health to make sure that what we have created is appropriate and safe. All of the volunteers involved would like to input further if possible, so hopefully I will be able to write again with more details on how it is progressing!

But even if we aren’t able to have further involvement, I can still be pleased that I’ve had an amazing weekend, helped produce something that will be a massive help to hundreds of girls, and met loads of great people!

News from Spain

Over the past few weeks the emails have started coming through containing the information on my year abroad – it’s all beginning to feel real!

I now know the town I’ll be staying in (Cartagena, a port town – just like Southampton!) and the school I’ll be at. It’s bilingual, which means I might be helping out in lessons other than English! I’m not sure yet though so I’ll wait and see.

I’ve been emailing a few teachers from the English department, giving me a chance to use Spanish after a bit of a break since my exams ended. Let’s hope it all makes sense!

I’m hoping to book my flights soon so then I’ll really be able to start planning. There’ll be loads to sort out like accommodation, travel, a bank account, a new phone, as well as the NIE, which is an identification number for foreigners working in Spain. I’m definitely starting to feel more like an adult having to do such ‘grown-up’ things!

I’ll keep you updated with how it’s all going, as long as I don’t drown in paperworks or forms in the process…